Writing remarkable content for an ordinary business

We’ve already explained why unique content is so important, which covered everything from web copy to infographics and videos. In this post we delve into how any business can write content that’s actually worth reading.
Take the headline of this article as an example. It’s short and sweet, getting across the topic and its application in just seven words. There’s no room for vagueness and we’d never go down the “what he did next is blah blah blah” clickbait route; instead we tell you exactly what to expect in a title that fits a social media link preview. It got your attention, right.
Your content needs to be trusted by the reader, reinforcing their perception of your business as one that knows its stuff. Whether you do some research on the subject, share a personal experience or provide a truly unique perspective, give your audience something to think about.
If you’re writing about something that’s extremely limited in application, it will be of little use to your readers. On the other hand, if you share something very useful but spoon-feed it to them, you could come across as patronising. Instead, offer practical nuggets that can be applied right away whilst allowing flexibility for others to add their own flavour.
It may sound obvious, but get your facts straight first. You should never misquote people, round up statistics or make assumptions, as not only could you end up giving false or bad information, but readers may even point it out to you and others. It’s also important that you quote sources where applicable: credit where credit’s due!
People have limited time and short attention spans. By all means use humour, wit and oodles of detail if you think it adds value to the content, but brevity can mean the difference between a point being digested and your message being cut short.
You could tick all of the boxes above yet still create content that isn’t valuable. Know your audience and give them something that will prove truly worthwhile.
What do you want the reader to do once they’ve reached the final punctuation mark? From sharing it with their friends to contacting you for a quote, a call to action such as follow vividfish on LinkedIn provides the perfect conclusion.