We've seen many people posting all manner of things regarding GDPR. How it can be 'managed' in order to allow the status quo, what appears to be a quest for cracks through which to slide, and a ...
We can all accept that data has been core to the development of today's exhibition industry. Whether that data is for visitors or exhibitors, it is the asset that can be mined to generate revenue. ...
Developing an online lead generation strategy is a matter of testing what works and what doesn't for your business. Here are some tips you can implement to get started on the right path.
Whatever GDPR brings with it, it will bring a clear focus on the relationship between marketing, sales and data, and this is certainly one aspect of GDPR that sits comfortably with us.
It's not fun, it's not exciting and it certainly isn't glamorous, but GDPR may be just what you need to make your digital mhttps://www.vividfish.co.uk/marketers-guide-to-gdprarketing incredibly ...
Event, exhibitions and conferences are data driven and GDPR is next years Millennium Bug money-spinner. The snake oil salespeople are out in force sharing their tales of doom and gloom. All knowing ...
The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) lives, eats and breathes data. Data drives the direct marketing industry. Because data is also key to the events industry, we may do well to listen to their ...
What rights will individuals have under GDPR? There are 8 fundamental rights, they will effect how event marketers can collect, store and use data, they are:
Whatever else you may hear about GDPR and it's effect upon the events industry, it will apply, it will be enforced and the penalties for non compliance are eye watering. One thing we keep stressing, ...
If you follow the inbound marketing philosophy, generating leads should be your highest priority. Without leads, you cannot engage in lead nurturing, which has proven to be a crucial part of ...