Finding the Perfect Website Designer: 11 Essential Questions In today's digital age, having a well-designed website is as crucial for your business as having a physical storefront. A website is often ...
When to Consider Redesigning Your Website Your website is often the first thing people see of your business. For small business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs, making sure that first impression ...
Crafting Your Perfect Digital Shopfront: A No-Nonsense Guide to Website Design In today's digital age, your website is often the first impression your business makes. It's your online shopfront, your ...
Vividfish is excited to announce the launch of a brand new website for our client, Uniguard, a leading facility management and security company based in the UK. Our team, known for specialising in ...
Effective marketing is not just about launching campaigns but measuring their impact, optimising strategies, and driving continuous improvement. That's where tracking the performance of marketing ...
In the digital age, where attention is scarce and competition is fierce, building a subscriber list is a strategic imperative for businesses looking to thrive in a crowded marketplace. Whether you're ...
You've poured your heart and soul into creating outstanding products and services that solve real-world problems and exceed customer expectations. However, despite their excellence, you find yourself ...
In a world driven by information and connectivity, knowledge is more than just power—it's a valuable currency that fuels innovation, drives progress, and fosters growth.
In the fast-paced business world, success often hinges on the strength of your relationships and the depth of your network. Building a database of prospects or contacts is not just an intelligent ...
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the ability to add and amend website content quickly and efficiently is essential for business success. Your website serves as the online face of your brand, ...
Sales leads are the lifeblood of growth for almost every business. They fuel the sales pipeline, drive revenue, and expand market reach. However, for many businesses, the challenge lies in acquiring ...
Ever heard of Google Consent Mode? If you run a website and operate in Europe (or recently, the UK!), you might have encountered it recently. Don't worry if it sounds complicated – it's a tool ...
A successful website starts with understanding the audience and designing around their needs. Ask yourself - who do you want to visit your site? What message or goal do you want them to take away ...
Creating a website is never easy, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Suppose you are considering hiring a web designer to help make your vision come alive online. In that case, there are certain ...
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses are increasingly looking for ways to spruce up their websites. Whether it's a complete website redesign or just some minor updates, taking ...
This is a question that has perplexed us for some time. It arises from a number of recent conversations we have been involved in, and concerns marketing agencies of all disciplines that offer ...
Ok so you're an events based business and you want to get your online marketing campaign started or, perhaps, you are already marketing online but want to maximise the results of your campaigns, and ...
Web design is a fascinating industry because it changes so rapidly. It seems that new trends are emerging just about every week. User experience has taken centre stage as the core of all web design ...
We've seen many people posting all manner of things regarding GDPR. How it can be 'managed' in order to allow the status quo, what appears to be a quest for cracks through which to slide, and a ...
We can all accept that data has been core to the development of today's exhibition industry. Whether that data is for visitors or exhibitors, it is the asset that can be mined to generate revenue. ...
Developing an online lead generation strategy is a matter of testing what works and what doesn't for your business. Here are some tips you can implement to get started on the right path.
Whatever GDPR brings with it, it will bring a clear focus on the relationship between marketing, sales and data, and this is certainly one aspect of GDPR that sits comfortably with us.
It's not fun, it's not exciting and it certainly isn't glamorous, but GDPR may be just what you need to make your digital m incredibly ...
Event, exhibitions and conferences are data driven and GDPR is next years Millennium Bug money-spinner. The snake oil salespeople are out in force sharing their tales of doom and gloom. All knowing ...
The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) lives, eats and breathes data. Data drives the direct marketing industry. Because data is also key to the events industry, we may do well to listen to their ...
What rights will individuals have under GDPR? There are 8 fundamental rights, they will effect how event marketers can collect, store and use data, they are:
Whatever else you may hear about GDPR and its effect upon the events industry, it will apply, it will be enforced and the penalties for non compliance are eye watering. One thing we keep stressing, ...
If you follow the inbound marketing philosophy, generating leads should be your highest priority. Without leads, you cannot engage in lead nurturing, which has proven to be a crucial part of ...
Social media is now proving to be a valuable tool for marketing and sales. According to a report by the Content Marketing Institute, 93% of organisations use social media as their content marketing ...
Many marketing companies have taken to using Twitter as a tactic for generating leads, with successful results. In a survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute, results showed that 87% of ...
It has happened to all of us – those nuisance calls attempting to sell double glazing or accident insurance. Well luckily, this type of marketing is falling out of favour, being replaced by something ...
If you’re planning on embarking upon the social media route to gain new customers, then it’s a good idea to give LinkedIn a go. LinkedIn has proved itself to be the most effective platform to use ...
Social media can be a great tool to get your business noticed and to generate leads but it can also help to nurture these leads once potential buyers have been attracted. According to eMarketer’s ...
In our last blog, Customer retention is king, we shared with you some hints and tips in relation to keeping those hard earned customers long term and the impacts it can have on your business.
In our last blog, it’s all in the follow up, we shared with you some best practices and advice in relation to following up those hard earned leads to ensure the maximum possible customer conversion ...
In our last blog, get Smarketing working for you, we shared with you some best practices around keeping up the momentum between sales and marketing in relation to lead generation. So you have your ...
In our last blog, what is sales and marketing alignment, we shared with you the tools for starting on your journey with Smarketing. In this blog, I would like to share some best practices that will ...
So, in our last blog, “Why you need to close the gap between sales and marketing”, we identified the disconnect between sales and marketing and highlighted the importance of collaboration between ...
Client: Lodgikol Limited Background: Lodgikol is a start up company, formed in December 2015, which began trading in January 2016. The managing director had experience of working with us on a ...
So in our previous blog we touched on why marketing is important to sales. It sounded simple right? But, if that was the case, everyone would be doing it, and doing it successfully….. Unfortunately, ...
In our previous blog, how the internet has changed sales, we discussed how the internet has become the medium in which your company and its products and services are now likely to be discovered and ...
Simply put, it's because your target customers have! The hardest thing about selling today is that customers don’t need sales people they way they used to. Historically, sales people ‘had they keys ...
Even if you think you are not an internet guru, I am sure you will agree that it has changed the way in which society receives, retains and reacts to information across the globe. Before the internet ...
Whilst many traditional marketing tactics are timeless, many of them cannot compare to the new philosophy. It was only a handful of years ago that all companies relied on various outbound marketing ...
Why use a landing page? Well, rather than sending people to your homepage right away, you can use a discreet landing page focusing on a key message and offering an unambiguous call to action (CTA). ...
Let’s focus on why you're here: you want visitors to your site to become paying customers. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that, you’re a business after all. You’re also a brand, so you need to ...
Lucrative sales are based on smart marketing. Which, in turn, is based on effective lead generation. A classic mistake made when trying to generate sales leads is to use a scattergun approach, firing ...
A/B testing is also sometimes called split testing, both of which accurately describe the process. If you feel that your website, landing page or email campaigns need refreshing, A/B testing is an ...
Traditional marketing has grown less and less effective over the years. In the old days, all it took was a radio commercial or a television campaign, and you had your product in front of your ...
As is the case in the worlds of fashion, food and furniture, trends in the digital realm come and go. Whilst some are clearly destined to be short-lived (automatic audio thankfully disappeared a ...
You have probably noticed us talking more and more about inbound marketing lately, but do you know what it is and how it works? We have rounded up the main stages and summarised them below, giving ...
Every webpage should have a call to action (CTA) that is clear, honest and easily achievable. In fact, knowing how to write a great call to action is essential for generating leads with your website. ...
Putting ego to one side, you may genuinely be the best around when it comes to your specialist field. The best accountancy, the best coffee shop, the best car valet company – whatever the case, you ...
Relationships with customers are a core requirement for healthy and long-term business. Without a relationship, a buyer sees you as a source for a particular product or service amongst many other ...
If you’re looking at B2B email marketing, that means you’re a business yourself. So first of all, think about what kind of email you’d open, what it would require to grab your attention, how it could ...
Whilst you will undoubtedly receive some business as a result of SEO, social media campaigns and other marketing activity, many prospective customers will either shy away due to lack of information ...
This is an excellent question because thinking up new topics on a regular basis can be difficult. Making the content accessible and worth reading can prove even harder, and getting people to visit ...
Whatever the nature of your business and regardless as to what you’re selling, the first thing you should do before entering or moving further into the marketplace is to create buyer personas.
If you’re reading this, you clearly have good taste in marketing blogs. However, as much as we appreciate your visit, we also pride ourselves on recommending other sources of knowledge, experience ...
Content marketing is just as much about consistency as it is about worth. If you create pointless content on a regular basis, or great content only now and then, your customers will be less likely to ...
To be frank, your business exists to turn a profit. Whilst many companies think that the way to achieve this is by constantly shouting about their product or service, many others realise that there ...
Out of countless forms of business promotion, social media has become an absolute essential. Whilst you’ll have many people following you because they like your brand and how you communicate, many of ...
Inbound marketing is beautifully self-explanatory, in that it refers to marketing activity that grabs the customer’s attention, earns their interest, introduces them to your company and directs them ...
Can you show us how to generate enquiries with our website? This is something that comes up time and time again. This post will walk you through the basics to get you started. It can often be tricky. ...
So, is social media important for businesses? We're asked this an awful lot. Many people don’t get why social media is so essential to business. This is understandable because it’s still a relatively ...
Goodness, yes of course it does! Even if your website looks the bee’s knees, if it lacks anything worth reading or watching, what’s the point in it even existing?
One question that we're regularly asked by prospects and new clients is 'Do we really need a blog?'. They worry about the commitment needed to regularly produce good content. If you really can't ...
Why doesn't our website generate enquiries? This is probably the most common question we get asked by small and medium sized businesses. There seems to be a myth doing the rounds, stating that if you ...
The ways in which companies work digitally can greatly differ. Whilst some benefit from an online store or booking system, others such as professional services and design studios will use their ...
When we build a website for a customer, we always ensure that metrics are up and running so that you can keep track of each page’s performance. This is achieved using Google Analytics, which gives ...
You know what emails are; they land in your inbox presenting inappropriate services, unwanted pharmaceuticals, and your right to a hefty inheritance following the demise of a relative you never knew ...
We’ve already explained why unique content is so important, which covered everything from web copy to infographics and videos. In this post we delve into how any business can write content that’s ...
If you’re teaming up with a third party for your digital activity, there are a few factors that need taking into account. Whilst the right digital marketing partner could help you to create valuable ...
Marketing has changed exponentially over the years. Only a decade or so back we were more receptive to adverts, mainly because they weren’t as present; now, on the other hand, with most people using ...
When it comes to your website, there are things that should be done and things that shouldn’t ever happen in order to achieve maximum efficiency. We deliver outstanding websites through ...
Back in the early days of websites, you could get away with popping on a little bit of business info and then hoping that visitors would get in touch. It doesn’t work like that now, and that’s no bad ...